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Icons Helper is the perfect tool for anyone who needs app icons for the macOS and iOS platform in the different sizes - be it designers or software developers. Just select the source icon and Icon Helper will automatically create all the icon sizes y

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Hold tight as you enter the world of Eloise in this “rawther fun fun fun” App! Here you can play along with Eloise, in the company of Weenie, Skipperdee and of course Nanny, as she skibbles around the hotel playing games and “helping out”.In the

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Celestial is a complete package for celestial navigation on your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. It can perform celestial sight reductions, calculate fixes, present them visually, manage sights on multiple trips and assist in sight planning. It also incl


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Fach- und Sachinformationen rund um Schwangerschaft, Geburt, Wochenbett und 1. Lebensjahr des Kindes – für Hebammen, Geburtshelfer, Eltern und andere Experten. Mit der mobilen Version der Deutschen Hebammen Zeitschrift (DHZ) und den eBooks des Elwi